Did you know that the most common place for a house fire to occur is in the kitchen? Many of these fires can be prevented. By taking simple precautions such as avoiding cooking while drinking alcohol, keeping flammable liquids away from stovetops and ovens, and always turning pot handles inward? It’s important to take care of your home – especially when it comes to staying safe from those pesky fires. Read on for more tips! 

Where Do Most House Fires Start?


According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), the most common place for a fire to occur in a home is in the kitchen. In fact, cooking-related fires make up nearly one third of all residential fires every year. So to prevent your home from going up in flames, avoid cooking while drunk or under the influence of medication that could impair your judgement. Also, never place water-based grease or cooking oil near an open flame (like when you’re frying food), don’t leave the dishwasher running when you’re not home, and make sure to turn pot handles toward the back of the stove so they don’t accidentally bump into something.


While fires in the bedroom are less common than those caused by faulty electrical outlets, they can be particularly dangerous due to the presence of highly flammable items like bedding, pillows and night clothes. To stay on the safe side, don’t smoke in bed – no matter how tired you are!

Family Room/Living Room

Fires that occur here tend to stem from faulty electrical wiring or devices (like your favorite video game system) or hot ashes from the fireplace. So to make sure your home remains in one piece, avoid using indoor heaters with frayed or damaged electrical cords, don’t place hot ashes in a cardboard box, and never overload outlets with too many electronics.


House fires that occur here are also often due to faulty electrical wiring. But they can also stem from heaters, overloaded outlets or frayed electrical cords – which is why it’s important to only use appliances that have the Underwriters Laboratories safety label.


Outdoor fires are often caused by heating devices like grills and fire pits. So be sure to stay in constant contact with your grill when cooking to make sure things don’t get out of hand and never leave a fire unattended.


Attic fires tend to stem from faulty electrical wiring, overloaded outlets or appliances like space heaters. So if you need a little extra warmth, be sure to use a portable space heater that’s approved by the Underwriters Laboratory. You should also always turn off your space heater when you leave home or go to bed and never plug one into a cracked extension cord.


Garage fires usually stem from faulty electrical wiring, improperly installed plugs or outdated appliances like an electric water heater. So to make sure your garage doesn’t go up in flames, upgrade all of your outlets and replace any extension cords that look frayed or worn. And when you need to heat up the car on a cold winter day, be sure to use a battery-operated space heater instead of an outlet.


Deck fires are typically caused by faulty electrical wiring, improperly installed plugs, or outdated appliances like an electric water heater. So be sure to upgrade all of your outlets and replace any extension cords that look frayed or worn before using outdoor heating devices like grills and space heaters.

house fire starting in garage

Common Appliances that Cause a House Fire


It’s a cold winter day and you’re craving some delicious food, but it’s going to be a little while before your refrigerator can cool down. What is there to do? While the risk is low, fires caused by refrigerators are among the most dangerous ones that occur in homes across America each year – with nearly one out of every five being attributed to the refrigerator. So to prevent your home from going up in flames, never place any kind of combustible material near a running refrigerator and make sure all doors are fully closed before leaving home or going to bed for the night.

Washing Machines

While washing machine fires are rare overall, they’re responsible for nearly one out of every ten home fires in the country. So to make sure your new appliance doesn’t end up causing you some serious damage, never place any kind of combustible material directly on top of a running washer and keep an eye out for overflowing water hoses.

Clothes Dryers

Who hasn’t used a clothes dryer at least once in their life? And while these appliances make our lives much easier, they can also cause serious damage – with nearly one out of every ten house fires being attributed to the dryer. So to prevent fires from starting, never overload your dryer and always clean lint traps before each use.

Lawn Mowers

These popular lawn care devices are responsible for thousands of house fires across America each year, but they’re not the only ones that can cause damage. So to protect your home from any lawn equipment fires, make sure you always wear protective gloves and eyewear if you’re working with something sharp – like an ax or chainsaw.

Space Heaters

Space heaters are incredibly efficient at keeping people warm during cold winter months across the country – but they can also be dangerous. According to the National Fire Protection Association, space heater fire is responsible for nearly one out of every five house fires in America. So to protect your family from a potential fire, only use space heaters that are approved by the Underwriters Laboratory and never place furniture or bedding near an open flame.

Fire Safety Tips

Tips to prevent fires in the home:

  • Smoke Detectors: If you don’t have a smoke detector in your home, be sure to get one before it’s too late. You can find them at just about any hardware store and they’re not very expensive either. While many people do have smoke detectors in their homes, not everyone remembers to clean them regularly – so every three or four months it’s a good idea to remove the detector from its location and use a vacuum cleaner to clean any dust or dirt off of it.
  • Fire Extinguishers: While many fires can be put out with a bucket of water, home fire extinguishers can help save lives in some instances. So before you go on a trip, be sure to find out if the hotel you’re staying in has a fire extinguisher – and if they don’t, be sure to take your own with you.

When it comes to your home, there are many things that can cause a house fire – but the good news is they’re all preventable. By upgrading your outlets and replacing frayed extension cords with new ones, you’ll help keep your appliances running efficiently – while taking the necessary precautions around any source of fire will ensure it stays out of your home for good.

Contact a Professional Restoration Company for Cleanup If your home has suffered loss in a fire, call us today. Our professionals are available 24/7 to help you get back on your feet after any type of fire damage with the least amount of stress possible. We offer our customers a FREE initial consultation with one of our experienced restoration specialists who can guide you through the entire restoration process and answer all of your questions. 24/7 immediate response services.