"First Steps to Take When Cleaning up a Flooded Basement "

The basement is a place that most homeowners neglect to clean up and think about until it’s too late. If you’ve ever had a basement flood, then you know how much work it can take to clean up and repair the damages. It is important for anyone who has experienced disaster to take the first steps as soon as possible because mold can start growing within 24 hours after water starts flooding your home. The quicker you act the less damage will occur which means less money spent on damages or hiring professionals. Read below for helpful tips when cleaning up a flooded basement!

Water Extraction

After a flood, the cleanup process can be burdensome. A flooded basement is likely always going to have at least some water, and if it isn’t extracted soon the damage can be worse. Removing moisture from your home is a routine process known as water extraction. Water extraction is all about removing moisture or water from your home. This process can be done by either hiring a professional to do it for you, or doing the job yourself.

If your basement has been flooded at least three days ago it’s best to hire a flood damage company to handle the flooded basement. The extent of mold damage inside may not be known and could possibly require immediate action.

The Danger of Hidden Moisture

Floodwaters often seep into every corner of a home. Everything—all of your furniture, clothes, books, pictures—can suffer from water damage. In fact, flooded homes are at risk for numerous health hazards that need immediate attention.  Extensive water extraction is necessary whenever you have water flood your home.

You can find the impact of hidden water when you look at the bottom of your bookshelves, for example. Notice how the wood is swollen? That’s because water has gotten in. Removing excess moisture will not undo the damage that’s already been done to items and could cause more problems if there’s still any water left. This problem is called mold.

Flooded Basement Cleanup

First and foremost is to get the water out of your home as quickly as possible. Doing this will ensure you don’t invite mold into your home.

You have two options when it comes to getting rid of excess moisture, either use a professional service or buy extraction equipment and do it yourself.

Hiring a Service Company

Professional service companies such as Same day Restoration have equipment and expertise to get excess moisture from your home. They can move all of the water-damaged items into a staging area and use specialized equipment to pull moisture out of your home, one room at a time. 

Be sure that you ask about any hidden water when dealing with these companies!  Hidden water has a tendency to get in the most unexpected places. Hidden water is why we always say you should do as much as you can before calling a company out to your home. 

Doing It Yourself

You can buy your own equipment for removing excess moisture and either rent Water extraction or removal tools, or buy your own. These tools are available at most home improvement stores and can cost from $50 to $500 per day or more depending on the equipment you buy.

The biggest challenge of doing it yourself is that you must get your home dry as quickly as possible, while also ensuring the items inside are safe. If there are valuables in your basement and they have been damaged, we highly recommend that you hire a professional.

DIY Basement Flood Cleanup

  • Establish a staging area, such as a spare bedroom.  If you can’t get your basement totally dry, at least isolate wet items in this room so that they don’t spread mold throughout the rest of your home.
  • Remove anything that has been soaked by floodwaters. Remember to use heavy-duty trash bags for any furniture or other items and seal them tightly. You’ll want to place these items in a second staging area, away from your home.
  • Consider renting or buying fans—they help speed up the drying process by circulating air through the house and removing moisture. Make sure you use the right type of fan for the job—such as window-mounted floor fans—and follow all manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Use dehumidifiers to remove moisture from the air in the house and protect your valuables, such as electronics.
  • Remove wet carpeting as soon as possible because it can deteriorate quickly if it stays wet for too long. If you have a portable water extraction unit, use a blower attached to help dry out the carpeting. 
  • Treating Mold -Mold will begin to grow if you don’t quickly get rid of any water that’s left in your home. When mold begins to grow, the spores spread through the air and cause serious health problems for those who are exposed to them.

How Can I Prevent Mold After a Flood?

You can’t prevent mold after the damage is done, but you can slow it down by controlling moisture.

The most effective way to do this is with a dehumidifier that uses refrigeration technology. The device extracts water from the air and then condenses it into a removable reservoir for easy disposal.

If your home isn’t totally dry, it’s important to keep humidity levels as low as possible. If you have a portable water extraction unit, set it to the lowest level and keep it running for a few hours each day.

You’ll also want to run the dehumidifier in your basement or wherever water has seeped into the house. You will need to empty its removable water reservoir daily, and you may need to run it around the clock.

If you don’t have a dehumidifier, there’s another option: running a fan in your home that blows air through towels that are laid out on the floor. You’ll want to change the towels every day or so.

Use fans for quick drying – If you have fans and a dehumidifier, turn the fans on to help them remove water faster. You can also use them in conjunction with window-mounted floor fans or portable electric fans.

When you’re drying out your home, there are many factors that will affect how quickly and effectively you do it. If you have questions about any of these tips for drying out your home, feel free to contact , Our Professionals Team are always happy to help.

Basement Flooding

We hope that you have gained some insight into how professional water extraction and drying out can benefit you after a flood or other serious water damage event. We want to help as many people as we possibly can because we know what it’s like to be left with damaged property and belongings due to a natural disaster.

So, feel free to reach out to us anytime with any questions or concerns you may have.